Understanding Anemia

what Is Anemia? Anaemia results from a lack of red blood cells or dysfunctional red blood cells in the body. This leads to reduced oxygen flow to the body's organs. Symptoms may include fatigue, skin pallor, shortness of breath, light-headedness, dizziness or a fast heartbeat. Treatment depends on the underlying diagnosis. Iron supplements can be used for iron deficiency. Vitamin B supplements may be used for low vitamin levels. Blood transfusions can be used for blood loss. Medication to induce blood formation may be used if the body’s blood production is reduced Symptoms common to many types of anemia include the following: Easy fatigue and loss of energy. Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise. Shortness of breath and headache, particularly with exercise. Difficulty concentrating. Dizziness. Pale skin. Leg cramps. Insomnia. Causes The body needs red blood cells to survive. They carry hemo...